David Emin – The Modern Art Mouse.

Home, Own work

Play at 2:18 min

Tracey Emin on being told that her bed isn’t art –

” just screamed louder and said yes it is, its my art”

I liked this idea that by being an artist you can clam anything is artwork, so I took it to the extreme and had fun with the idea that if I were an artist I clam everything as ‘Modern Art’.


And to make sure that everyone knew these things were modern art I began to put sticky notes everywhereeeee!  Buses, walls, people, signs, pretty much anything I came across had been given the title of Modern art.

Shortly after my sticky note escapades I came across David Shrigley‘s work and loved his tongue in cheek attitude.


Well within a few days it was my cousin’s 16th birthday and she give me the task of getting her something different, that nobody else would ever get her. Of course I accepted this challenge and immediately searched eBay for a taxidermy creature.


 One of my favourite works by Shrigley was the animals with signs, and what could be a more perfect gift for a girls 16th birthday?! And yes I know that this idea isn’t original and is stolen from Shrigley but as a gift I think it is fun and had to be done.


And of course I named him David Emin to honor the artists that I stole from to create him.

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